Monday, December 10, 2018

Year 9 Maths 2018

This was my first year in high school, there have been lots of fun memories and not so fun memories. We have done different kinds of maths, algebra, numbers, data even treasure hunts using bearings! And next year in year 10 I think it might be pretty cool because we will be in different classes and the maths will be different

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

New Zealand Tourism NZL

New Zealand Tourism

Some of the videos don’t show everything, in some of the videos it showed the wildlife, the sun, fresh food, great walks no pollution and our culture. But really, New Zealand is polluted it rains a lot in different parts of the country.

no it is not 100% factual
Evidence Watching the video you can see that it is only showing the sun when New Zealand does have a lot of rainfall, there is pollution in New Zealand, people throw trash on the side of the road and don’t pick it up.
New Zealand isn’t exactly perfect like the video showed, in some parts of the country you are not able to fish because the water is polluted from nitrogen from farm animals, and the nutrients, that means in different lakes and rivers you are not able to swim due from the algal that blooms and chokes the oxygen from the water,

I believe the 100% PURE NZ tourist videos are (my opinion) not always true, this country is very beautiful and you wouldn’t think that it could be polluted, yes this country is polluted but I believe that in the future we can cut down on the pollution and we will be able to fish and swim in different lakes and rivers again, but if the videos did show pollution people may not want to visit this country, some parts of New Zealand isn’t polluted so I’m in the middle of what I think, because if we don’t have tourist, New Zealand wouldn’t have as much money, but at the same time we should be truthful. Because (evidence) I think it is good that isn’t showing pollution because then it will attract more people but at the same time we should be truthful, it just means that they don’t HAVE to go to the polluted places they can go to different places. (my opinion proved with evidence) The videos don’t talk about pollution or show anything about polluted lakes or rivers. In the articles it says how waterways get polluted.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Designing our Mars Rover

Mars Rover

My class and I started Robotics class in term 3, throughout that time we designed a Mars Rover on Tinker-cad. We also have made a presentation on what we had done on the Mars Rover and what materials we needed to make it work so here is some of my presentation. 

This slide is showing my Mars Rover and explaining how I have taken a video and what website I have used to make this design.

Here is one of my designs I have created on tinkercad, tinkercad is a designing site, you’re able to create anything you want, I am learning how to use tinkercad and create my very own mars rover, in this video it shows different angles, sides and shapes of my design I have created. There are different shapes and sizes and I have thought about the how the terrain and weather might be Mars and how the Mars rover will have to fend for itself I have also learnt how to use Screencastify properly. Screencastify records me showing different angles of my design.  

Lego Mars Rover

 After we had finished making our designs on Tinker Cad we moved on designing and building our own Mars rover out of Lego, we had to make sure it was able to turn and if it fell over it would be able to get back up itself, we had to make sure that the Sphero would fit and it could drive our Lego Mars Rover, after had built ours we soon decided it would be better to take one more wheel off and have 3 wheels instead of four because it had some trouble turning.

What do we know about Robots?

We know that Robots might be used in the future, robots are not the same as humans, most robots have a controller. For an example a drone, a drone has a camera to take pictures of a video. you have a controller to control where it goes and lands and what images and videos it takes. Robots do not have a mind of their own. 

My thoughts on the Mars Rover.
I think creating and building Mars Rover is a good idea because it might help human lifeforms in the future, we could collect data with the Rovers, we may even spot some lifeform on Mars and figure out how to start our own life on Mars, my Mars Rover needs some shaping up done on it, some of the things we really need to make sure is the weather, the shape of it to help it get out of places, to move around and turn, the environment around it. With Mars Rovers we are able to capture a different environment. I think it is cool that we learnt doing this and how to make a Mars rover. I think this is awesome to learnt to know a bit about the future and how technology works.

My Mars Rover video from slide one.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Chinese Comic Strips

My class and I have just recently just started doing Mandarin and today we made some Chinese comic strips introducing ourselves.

Here is the comic strip I made!

Friday, June 8, 2018

Maths Blog

Maths Blog

Hello! This is my blog, I've decided to post my Basic Algebra, my class and I have been taught by Mrs Halls Basic Algebra and much much more! We have been working on Hapara. This term we have mostly been learning about Algebra, Coordinates, Brackets, Linear Algebra and Factorising. I find it quite challenging since I didn't learn much about this stuff in my previous school but I think I'm improving a little more. 

Here Are Some Screenshots Of My Work

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Social Studies

Social Studies NZ

Term 1 
In term one, my class and I started one of our new classes, this subject is Social studies. I have chosen to write my blog about heroes and identities. In Term One as a class we learnt about Identities and what makes a person and their personality, and how they were a hero in way. We explained how people could be heroes, from doing many different things, an act of kindness, act of helpfulness etc. Then we had to do a essay, we got to choose who to write about, but it had to be someone from NZ, and at least have a book written about. 

We also did some art on the very last day of Term one, classmates paired up and we made profiles. One person had to hold up a phone torch, while the other person stood in front of the white paper so their shadow reflected off onto the white paper. Then someone else would trace the shadow onto the white paper, after we finished that, we cut out of the shadow and stuck it onto inky black paper. But lots of people were struggling so we got Miss BearmingHam to do the tracing, she did an amazing job!

Here Is A Picture

Friday, May 4, 2018

9MG Greymouth HighSchool Term One English Reflections


It has nearly been one whole term, our teacher is the wonderful Miss Evans. I've been taught quite a bit in English. We have been using Hapara and doing our work on there. We did a Hero Exhibit, we all had to make a poster showing who is our Hero's and why they are our Hero's, we learned the 12 Hero cycles, we worked in pairs and designed a poster explaining the 12 Hero Cycles. Before every class we do a Big Question on Hapara. Miss Evans puts down a question or a 100 word challenge, where we have to try write 100 words. Usually we have a 5 minute timer on the Big Question, or sometimes we get to free write for 10 minutes. After that 5 minutes is up we submit our work to Miss Evans. Here are some pictures - 
 Here is a link to the work I did on Cyber Bullying -

At the end of the period we usually do a success ticket, also on Hapara, It's like the Big Question Miss Evan would put down a question for us, usually asking what we did well today, or asked what we learnt, what information was helpful for our learning. With that as well we have a timer for 5 minutes.

After we have done our success ticket we submit it, like the picture above.

My partner Shialla and I have been working on a presentation Poster about the 12 Hero Cycles. Here is a picture of our 12 Hero Cycle Poster! -

The poster shows the 12 hero cycles, that you might read in books or see in movies! In every book there is always 12 stages the main character will go through.